Date(s) - Nov 30, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Virtual Event
Register Here
Sometimes additional training can be the barrier that stands between you and your next job. Attend this session to learn if you are eligible for training assistance to develop useful skills for the workplace or to make the skills you already have more marketable. Dislocated workers from Boston based companies and income eligible adults from the city of Boston are especially welcome. This session will provide an overview of the Workforce Investment Act, a federally funded skills training program that pays for job skills training to eligible individuals who meet specific criteria.
- Training Grants/Funds: Boston residents who meet eligibility guidelines may qualify for training funds and or/job services
- Job Search Coaching Services: Eligible Massachusetts residents may qualify for comprehensive job search services.
- If you are not a Boston resident, but interested in training grants, check these lists for your local Career Center for contact info
- MassHire Career Center by Area (PDF), MassHire Career Center Listing (PDF), Boston Residency Map