This fall ReadBoston and the Harlem Globetrotters partnered to engage over 5,000 Boston Public Schools (BPS) students in their September Read-a-Thon. Over the course of two weeks, K-5th graders at 21 schools vied to meet the Read-a-Thon challenge of reading 20 minutes per day for four days a week.
“It’s important to encourage students to read at home,” said Katie Sullivan, ReadBoston’s Deputy Director of Community Engagement. “It’s especially helpful in September to get kids back in the swing of things.”
With a 96% participation rate, Warren-Prescott School in Charlestown won the Read-a-Thon and the grand prize: a special visit from Harlem Globetrotter Bull Bullard.

On Wednesday, Oct. 18, Bullard arrived as the honored guest at a Warren-Prescott school assembly. He performed tricks for the ecstatic children, taught basketball moves to teacher and student volunteers, and talked about the importance of standing up to bullies. In addition to playing with the Harlem Globetrotters, Bullard has made the world’s highest trick shot (210 feet high from a helicopter) and competed on American Ninja Warrior.
Children from other schools that participated in the ReadBoston-Harlem Globetrotter Read-a-Thon will also earn prizes for their reading. One class from each school will receive complimentary tickets to a Harlem Globetrotters game and all other students will be eligible for discounted tickets.